Physical Address: 204 Beaver Crk School Rd • West Jefferson, NC 28694 • 336-846-5631
Physical Address: 204 Beaver Crk School Rd • West Jefferson, NC 28694 • 336-846-5631
Ashe Baptist Association Church Announcements
On a personal note, Ashe Baptist Association and David Blackburn Facebook Pages have been hacked. Please deleted if you see the old one on Facebook. I have a a new page on Facebook for Ashe Baptist Association and David Blackburn. You can find Ashe Baptist Info on the Ashe Baptist website, Our Ashe Baptist Association website is fine no ptroblem.
We are surrounded by gospel opportunities. It’s estimated there are 286 million lost people in North America. Reaching that mission field is why we unite and generously give to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering every year. I hope you will give to, learn about and prayer for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering this year. Last year, our Southern Baptist family gave the highest Annie offering ever—$74.7 million. That outpouring of support went to work immediately fueling the ministries of more than 3,000 missionary families as they plant churches, meet physical needs, and share Christ with unreached people across the U.S. and Canada. March 2-8 be praying, learn about and give to Annie Armstrong Easter Offering.
Sunday, March 30 at 7 pm Community Revival Meeting at Pleasant Home Baptist.
Rev. Allen Huffman, Pastor at Pleasant Valley Baptist will be bringing the message. Special music. Pastor Lonnie Carpenter invites everyone to attend.
March 30th at 4:00 a candlelight service filled with prayer, music and storytelling to commemorate six months of community resiliency since Hurricane Helene at Lansing Presbyterian Church. Refreshments 30 minutes before and after the service, organized by the Ashe Ministerial Association, Town of Lansing ,Glad stands for Greater Lansing Area Development and Lansing Presbyterian Church and they invite you to attend.
The Ashe Really Cares Quarterly Meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 1 @ 7:00 PM at the Ashe Baptist Conference Room. All Committee Members and interested folks are urged to attend.
The Ashe Baptist Association Executive Committee will have its quarterly committee meeting on Thursday, April 3 at 7:00PM with the Round Knob Baptist Church. All committee members and pastors are urged to attend.
God's Will Missionary Baptistat 1629 Grandview Drive in Sparta, NC will be holding a Revival April 6-9, 7 pm with Rev. Hugh Miller. Special Singing nightly! Pastor Homer Murdock and the congregation welcome everyone!
Pleasant Home Baptist Weekend Revival- April 11, 12 & 13 at 7 pm each evening. Rev. Lonnie Jones, Pastor at Welcome Home will be the speaker. Special Music each evening. Pastor Lonnie Carpenter invites everyone to attend.
Join the LOOM Ladies in Bible Study
Beginning May 1, 2025
The Book of Revelation
Without doubt, the last book of the Bible, The Book of Revelation, is a challenging one. However, it tells us a special blessing is promised to those who hear, read, and obey the prophecies. We hope you will join LOOM Ladies as we look deeper to understand current and future events. We are reminded God knows the future, and we do not need to fear.
During this 18-week study, we will utilize Bible Teacher Margaret Feinberg’s study guide and streaming video access, “Revelation, extravagant hope,” as well as share additional resources.
The study includes discussion questions, in depth personal study of Scripture, memory verses, and a deep connection of the text to our daily lives.
Thursdays, Beginning May 1, 2025
Midway Baptist Church Fellowship Hall
11:45 – 12:45 (each Thursday)
Facilitators: Linda Blackburn, Jeanne Coward, and Elaine Cox welcome you to attend. If you wish to reserve a seat or need additional information, call Jeanne at 336-877-0041 or Elaine at 336-877-7934.
Congratulations to Buffalo Baptist Church that had their first service back in the sanctuary since the damaged caused by Helene. AMS David Blackburn will be the guest speaker on Sunday April 6th at 10:30 and Sunday School at 9:45. Everyone is welcome by the pastor, Rev. Gene Shumaker and the congregation.
The National Day of Prayer is scheduled to be Thursday, May 1 at 11:00 at the Ashe County Courthouse steps. This is usually a thirty-minute program with Presentation of Colors, Pledge of Allegiance led by Sheriff Phil Howell, Patriotic Medley, National Anthem, Prayer of American History, prayer for our military on active-duty (Rev. Keith Wagoner) and prayer to Honor God, honor local Veterans, Appreciation and Presidential Proclamation by Mr. Todd McNeil chairman of Ashe County Commissioners, Placing of the Wreath by Veterans, and Taps by Mt. John Chapman. I hope you will attend, pray with us and invite a friend to be with you. The county will have some chairs but you might want to bring a lawn chair just in case. Everyone is invited
Evangelism Conference at Riverview Baptist Church with Larry Stamm Ministries on May 10 from 9-4 with lunch provided. To register email; The congregation invite you to attend.
Vacation Bible School will be here before you know it. Ashe Baptist Association Office has the VBS Lifeway Material for you to view and schedule to use. The Theme is Magnified, discovering the bigness of God in the smallest of things from Psalms 34:3. Come see the Directors Kit and the material. Its here for you to take advantage of.
Friendship Baptist Church has an opening for Ministry Assistant/Secretary, hours are Monday through Thursday - 8:30 to 2:30. If interested, please come by the church office and pick up a job description. You can also email the church at and
request a copy. Also, our phone number is 336-982-2080. Pastor is Rev. Ken Jones.
Fletcher Baptist Church, 201 South Street, Jefferson.
Sunday School: 9:15 Worship Service: 10:30. Please join us as we worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Everyone welcome by the pastor, Rev. Paul Stickland and congregation
The 2025 Ministers Tax Guide is available at the Associational Office. If you need a free copy come see us
Thank you, Beaver Creek Baptist Church, for asking to host the annual meeting on Friday, August 15. This will be voted on at the April Executive Committee Mgting. Rev. Johnny Goodman is the pastor.
2025 Holy Week Services: Monday, April 14-18 12:00 at West Jefferson Methodist Church. (New Location) Services Online (In-person and livestreamed) Ashe Ministerial Association invites you to attend. (See flyer after announcements)
Each year churches, businesses and other community members unite for the Annual Food Roundup which allows hundreds of boys and girls living at Baptist Children's Homes to have their bellies well-filled. WHAT IS THE IMPACT?
When children see trucks full of food pull into our statewide locations, they see God's love in action. Being part of the Food Roundup is not only about collecting food -- it's about shining the light of Jesus into the darkness for boys and girls .I hope you will learn about , give to and pray for the BCH of NC Food Drive. Food and or money will be received thru April at Ashe Really Cares.
Ashe Really Cares announces a new website at Check it out to find out more about the available services, needs and opportunities to serve your community. Thank you to all who support Ashe Really Cares and gave to Souper Bowl Sunday. Ashe Really Cares Committee had a special meeting on Thursday night (6th) to learn about a new $50,000 grant and other new things happening at ARC concerning the grant. It was approved unanimously 100% to move forward with the grant to purchase a truck that will haul pallet loads of food to be handled much easier and safer. We will keep the van for moving small loads of food from Food Line Grocery Store. Thank you Mrs. Twila Miller Director of ARC for writing this grant and Mrs. Linda Blackburn for checking this grant.
The 2025 Ashe Baptist Associational Calendars are ready for churches to pick up at your convince.
Hope for the Mountains Prayer Team meets every Tuesday at 8:00 AM with Midway Baptist Church, we have devotion in the sanctuary and pray around the altar. . It is open to the public and you are invited to attend.
When you pray, please remember Riverview Baptist Church, Wagoner Baptist Church, Round Knob Baptist Church and Big Laurel Baptist Church.
What if we could see thousands profess Christ through believer’s baptism on a single day? That’s the heartbeat behind the statewide “Fill the Tank” baptism emphasis.
We’re encouraging every N.C. Baptist church to fill their baptism tanks on April 27 – or an upcoming Sunday – and trust God to save people between now and then. Will you sign up to “fill the tank?”
3rd Annul Stone Mountain Youth Rally at Baptist Home Church at 2367 Sparta Rd. North Wilkesboro, NC on May 4 at 3:00. Games, pizza, music and worship. Guest speaker Tyler Blue. 25 were saved last year at this event. Call Ashe Baptist Association or Stone Mountain Association or QR Code on flyer for more info. (Youth Leaders that register their Church Youth Group prior to April 4 will receive a free Leader Shirt.) Everyone is invited.
Grassy Creek Baptist Church announces that Rev. Tom, Graybeal has been elected by at 100% vote as their Pastor. We welcome Brother Tom and his wife Mary and look forward to working with them. He will begin his work on the 3rd Sunday of January.
Fletcher Memorial Baptist Church announces that Rev. Paul Strickland has been elected as pastor by a 100% vote. He has served as Interim Pastor. We welcome Brother Paul and his wife Cindy to the Ashe Baptist Association and look forward to working with them.
Ashe Baptist Association is looking for a FaithHealth Connector. If you have an interest in helping folks with their health and faith needs, please contact me. This is an 8 hour per week paid position. Rev. Paul Strickland, for FaithHealth Connector is stepping down since he has been elected a Pastor at Fletcher Memorial Baptist Church in Jefferson. He did an excellent job especially since he is a retire nurse and minister. Thank you Brother Paul.
This week I took a trip to the Ashe Baptist Campground and was very pleased. As I walked in the Mattie Parsons Building 6 men were singing how great thou art! One was from Venezuela his interpreter was from Honduras other were from outside the county as well. Baptist Men are sleeping there as they work on fixing up disaster needs. They[DB1] tell me a whole lot of snoring is going on. I appreciate all the folk’s men, women and youth working to together to make AsheStrong. If you have some disaster needs, please contact me at the Ashe Baptist Office and we can send a team out to help you.
Please remember Ashe County as you pray. We had the most water in 100 years thus lots of damage to homes, churches, stores, cars and all other items close to water. It will takea lot of PRAYING and working to get going again. at this time some people still with out power. No internet insome places. Ashe Really Cares, churches and all the other food pantries are working extra to help folks in need. Other organizations are working very hard to try to help. working together doing what we cannot do alone. Let us know if you need help. AsheStrong!
Mt. Olive Baptist has donated 45 Baptist Hymnals for any church needing them. They have been dropped of at ABA office. Mt. Olive Baptist invites you to join them for Sunday School at 10 am and Worship at 11 am.
FYI- 336-846-2743 (ASHE) Fax Number if you need it. Office for Ashe Baptist 336-846-5631 and Ashe Really Cares 336-846-5234.
Special Announcements from our friends:
Ashe Pregnancy Center are still giving away diapers, wipes, formula and baby food to anyone and everyone.
Gideons International of Ashe County reminds you they are speaking to churches about the work they are doing. If you would like to have a speaker, please, contact Bill Carter at 336-877-0599.
Ashe Baptist would like to thank our sponsors for the Ashe Baptist News heard on WKSK each Saturday and on SoundCloud on the Web. Randy Marion Ford and Randy Marion Chevrolet of Ashe County as a new sponsor, Kristin and Josh Harrold. We look forward to working with them and appreciate it very much. Tri - County Paving, Lucian and Patricia Jordan, Statewide Insurance Solutions, Chris and Andrea Finney and Tri County Monuments, Mike and Lesia Peters. They wish you a very Merry Christmas! They are all Christians and attend church and welcome you to come see them when you find yourself in need of their services.
Happy Birthday: 28th. Mrs. Jean Ann Burkett (Bill- Fletcher Memorial), Dr. Rev. Jim Rash (Sue- Former pastor at Laurel Knob), April 1 Mrs. Tina Stone (Rev. Jackie- Warrensville), 3rd Mrs. April Norris (Rev, Billy- Big Flatts), 4th Mrs. Chrie Monsees (Hal- Asso. Ministry assistant Bald Mt.) 5th. Mrs. Phyllis Pugh (Rev. Jack- Bald Mt)
Happy Anniversary: April 5. Rev. and Mrs. Gene Shumaker (Chasta-Buffalo)